
extremely thin async dependency injection

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Getting Started

This guide briefly describes the benefits of dependency injection, then details how to begin using noicejs with abundant examples.


Why Inject Dependencies

This is a very brief explanation of what dependency injection does and how it may be useful. There is a tremendous amount of existing literature that goes into far more detail on the topic. If you are looking for more information, some good places to start are:

The resolution performed by the container removes the need for the consumer to be aware of, or pass, dependencies to the service. The service can change dependencies without any code changes to the consumer.

Compare the following examples:

import { LocalFilesystem } from './local';

class Foo {
  constructor(options) {
    const {
    } = options; =;

function main() {
  const foo = new Foo({
    filesystem: LocalFilesystem, /* must be passed here */

function later() {
  const bar = new Foo({
    filesystem: LocalFilesystem, /* must be passed again */

Every time a new Foo is created, the correct filesystem must be passed to it. If the filesystem changes, due to a config setting or environment variable, each instance must be replaced with a function call or variable to access that configuration, repeatedly invoking that logic in each location.

With dependency injection, implementations with a similar theme can be grouped in a module, and the module replaced as a whole.

import { Cache, Filesystem } from './interfaces';
import { LocalModule } from './local';
import { NetworkModule } from './network';

@Inject(Cache, Filesystem)
class Foo {
  protected readonly cache: Cache;
  protected readonly filesystem: Filesystem;

  constructor(options) {
    this.cache = options.cache;
    this.filesystem = options.filesystem;

  get(path: string) {
    return options.cache.get(path, () => options.filesystem.get(path));

function module() {
  if (process.env['DEBUG'] === 'TRUE') {
    return new LocalModule();
  } else {
    return new NetworkModule();

function main() {
  const container = Container.from(module());
  await container.configure();

  const foo = await container.create(Foo); /* cache and filesystem are found and injected by container */

Neither Foo nor main knows what kind of Cache the LocalModule provides or what kind of Filesystem the NetworkModule provides, nor do they care. The container resolves and injects the correct implementation as needed and the application logic moves to providing the correct modules for the current configuration.

More technically, dependency injection inverts the chain of control between a class and its dependencies, by transferring responsibility for providing those dependencies to a container which discovers and resolves dependencies before injecting them into the original class.


Install noicejs with your package manager of choice:

> yarn add -D noicejs

If you will be bundling the output with a tool like Rollup or Webpack, you can install noicejs as a devDependency.

Creating a Container

The container is the central interface of noicejs. Containers are responsible for creating new objects and resolving dependencies from their modules.

Most containers are created from a list of modules, but they may also be created empty:

import { Container } from 'noicejs';

async function main() {
  const container = Container.from();
  await container.configure();

While an empty container will not be have any dependencies to inject, it can still create new instances of classes without dependencies:

import { Container } from 'noicejs';

class Foo { }

async function main() {
  const container = Container.from();
  await container.configure();

  const foo = await container.create(Foo);
  console.log(foo instanceof Foo);
  // prints: true

However, this container will not be able to create instances of a class that does have dependencies:

import { Container, Inject } from 'noicejs';

class Bar { }

async function main() {
  const container = Container.from();
  await container.configure();

  try {
    const bar = await container.create(Bar);
  } catch (err) {
    // prints: TODO

Registering a Module

The container does not provide any dependencies of its own, instead resolving them from an ordered list of modules.

While most modules are subclasses that extend Module, a quick start module is provided in the library: the MapModule. The MapModule constructor takes a dictionary or Map of named dependencies, binds them as constructors or instances, and then provides them as usual.

The MapModule is meant to provide a quick start and does not support all of the dependency types that the container does, especially factory methods. Please see the @Provides decorator for further details.

Registering a module that provides some named dependency 'foo' will allow the container to resolve it:

import { Container, Inject, MapModule } from 'noicejs';

class Bar {
  constructor(options) {

async function main() {
  const container = Container.from(new MapModule({
    providers: {
      foo: 3,
  await container.configure();

  const bar = await container.create(Bar);
  // prints: 3

While many of these examples use named dependencies for semantic meaning, modules can provide a few different kinds of contracts:

Symbols are the most unique and can be used in a relatively type-safe manner by declaring an interface of available symbols:

import { BaseOptions, Container, Inject } from 'noicejs';
import { Cache } from './interfaces';

const INJECT_CACHE = Symbol('inject-cache');
interface InjectedOptions extends BaseOptions {
  [INJECT_CACHE]?: Cache; // these may not be injected and so should be optional

class Foo {
  constructor(options: InjectedOptions) {
    this.cache = mustExist(options[INJECT_CACHE]); // throw if required dependencies are missing

Extending a Module

In order to resolve a dependency, one of the modules within the container needs to provide it. Modules represent a small set of dependencies with a common theme.

Modules bind most of their dependencies during configuration:

import { Module } from 'noicejs';

class NetworkThing {}

class NetworkModule extends Module {
  public async configure(options) {
    await super.configure(options);


Modules must be instantiated before the container is created:

import { Container } from 'noicejs';
import { NetworkModule, NetworkThing } from 'the-last-example';

async function main() {
  const container = Container.from(new NetworkModule());
  await container.configure();

  const foo = await container.create('foo');
  console.log(foo instanceOf NetworkThing);

Modules are not useful on their own and can be passed directly into the container’s control.

Requiring a Dependency

Now that a module exists to provide the contract foo, some other class needs to depend on having an instance of foo:

import { Container, Inject } from 'noicejs';
import { NetworkModule, NetworkThing } from 'the-module-example';

class Bar {
  constructor(options) {

async function main() {
  const container = Container.from(new NetworkModule());
  await container.configure();

  const bar = await container.create(Bar);
  // prints: Container {}, NetworkThing {}

The decorator is optional and classes may be annotated manually instead, dependencies are a constructor property using a particular symbol.

Providing a Dependency

Modules can provide a few different kinds of dependencies:

While constructors are created when needed and factories are invoked, instances are simply returned as they were provided and are the closest equivalent to a traditional singleton that can exist within DI.

import { Container, Inject, Module } from 'noicejs';

class RandomModule extends Module {
  public async configure(options) {
    await super.configure(options);

    this.bind('foo').toFactory(async () => Math.random());

@Inject('foo', 'bar')
class FooBar {
  constructor(options) {

async function main() {
  const container = Container.from(new RandomModule());
  await container.configure();

  const foobar = await container.create(FooBar);
  // prints: N, 3

When the factory implementation fits better in a method, that method can be decorated as a provider:

import { Container, Inject, Module } from 'noicejs';

class RandomModule extends Module {
  public async configure(options) {
    await super.configure(options);


  public async createFoo(options) {
    return Math.random();

This module’s provider method is equivalent to the previous toFactory binding. As before, the decorator is optional and attaches metadata to the method function with a symbol. There are not decorators for constructor or instance bindings, since they fit well in the fluent form.

The @Provides decorator can be used to extend the MapModule with factories. This module is equivalent to the previous example’s RandomModule:

import { Container, Inject, Module } from 'noicejs';

class RandomModule extends MapModule {
  constructor() {
      providers: {
        bar: 3,

  public async createFoo(options) {
    return Math.random();

Populating Properties

While injecting constructor parameters covers many common use-cases, there are many cases where you may want to assign those parameters to properties within the newly-constructed object. In particular, this pattern is common enough to have a helper:

import { Container, Inject, Module } from 'noicejs';

class FooService {
  constructor(options: InjectedOptions) {
    this.container = options.container;
    this.counter = mustExist(options[INJECT_COUNTER]);
    this.event = mustExist(options[INJECT_EVENT]);
    this.random = mustExist(options[INJECT_RANDOM]);

    // some other logic, maybe using those properties
    this.logger = makeServiceLogger(options[INJECT_LOGGER], this);

This can be simplified with the @Field decorator and injectFields helper. Fields are not automatically added to the list of dependencies with @Inject, although that may be changed in a future version. A more specific decorator is provided that does merge the lists, @InjectWithFields.

An equivalent to the previous example using those decorators would look more like:

import { Container, Field, InjectWithFields, Module } from 'noicejs';

@InjectWithFields(INJECT_LOGGER) // the logger is not a simple field, it uses some additional computation
class FooService {
  public container: Container;

  public counter: Counter;

  public event: EventBus;

  public random: RandomSource;

  constructor(options: InjectedOptions) {
    injectFields(this, options);

    // some other logic, maybe using those properties
    this.logger = makeServiceLogger(options[INJECT_LOGGER], this);

Additional Examples

For additional examples, please see: